The Global Campaign to Return to Palestine issued a statement today, Wednesday May 22, after the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court had announced that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the Prime Minister of the entity bears criminal responsibility, and that the Public Prosecutor will submit requests to the Pre-Trial Chamber in the Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court to issue arrest warrants against Netanyahu, the criminal, and his minister of military forces.

GCRP said in its statement: “This decision is an important step towards achieving the desired goal of prosecuting officials of the usurping entity for serious crimes supported by colonial regimes, which have been ignored by international institutions for a long time”.

The statement added that: The request of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court “included a reference to crimes related to humanitarian issues and crimes of premeditated murder, while ignoring many major crimes that are considered war crimes and crimes against humanity, the most important of which are crimes of genocide, crimes of forced displacement, and intensive destruction of civilian properties”.


The campaign strictly refused the inclusion of the names of Palestinians who are known for their struggle to liberate their people, in the text of the Attorney General’s decision, especially since international law – despite its faults and shortcomings – guarantees the Palestinians their legitimate right to resist the usurpers, and the usurping entity is considered an occupier of the lands where resistance operations took place, including Al-Aqsa flood battle.


The Global Campaign considered that this suspicious wording of the International Criminal Court’s decision contributes to diluting the court’s decision and taking it out of its proper legal context.

GCRP called on its members, friends, and all free people in the world to continue the legal struggle to prosecute the usurping entity for its crimes, and to benefit from the aforementioned decision issued by the International Criminal Court, while striving diligently to hold the court accountable to its legal and humanitarian responsibility, and not to allow any party or person to circumvent the law, and work to achieve justice and equity for the oppressed Palestinian people in their legitimate struggle for their rights and the liberation of their land.

The Global Campaign to Return to Palestine, represented by its member, Member of the European Parliament Manuel Pineda, and human rights activist Rania Madi, had previously submitted last November a complete file to the International Criminal Court in the Hague, Netherlands, which included evidence of human rights violations and war crimes committed by the usurping entity in Gaza, especially in the health sector.