The fourth International Forum of Solidarity with Palestine will kick off on Sunday, 11 March 2018, with an opening ceremony, which will include a tribute to more than 10 models of Institutions and individuals within the “Pioneers in Offering for Palestine” program.


According to the ceremony program, the models are active personalities and institutions that contribute to the revival of the cause and uplifting the morale of resistance fighters; these models include freedom fighter Latifa Abu Hamid.


This freedom fighter was named “the Oak Tree of Palestine”, for she is the mother of four young prisoners sentenced to life imprisonment in the Israeli occupation prisons, while her fifth son was martyred.

Latifa Abu Hameed, 70, a Palestinian refugee from Um Shusha village, currently living in the Palestinian refugee camp of Ama’ri, near Ramallah, in the center of the West Bank, is called “Um Nasser” in relation to her eldest son.


“I am proud of my children, I did not beget them to be arrested or killed, but this was imposed on them.And we are destined to be steadfast,” she said.


I am a mother.Like any other woman, I wish my sons were around me, that I could feel happy for them, and see them get married, she said.

“My husband died four months ago, and he wishedhe had been able to see them free before his death,” she said.

Activists say that this woman embodies the struggle of women for the sake of liberating and preserving the land, describing heras “a mountain of patience.”