The Global Campaign to Return to Palestine launches the Fourth International Forum of Solidarity with Palestine under the theme “All ofAl-Quds is the Capital of All of Palestine” on Sunday, 11 March 2018, in the Lebanese capital Beirut.

About 350 activists and civil society organizations from 80 countries around the world have arrivedin order to participate in the international conference, which seeks to produce practical results to strengthen the global solidarity movement with Palestine.

The conference will begin with an opening ceremony at 7 pm on Sunday, with vocalist Hussein Al-Agraf Operetta “Capital of the World”, followed by a performance by international musicianGiladAtzmoun; later, 10 models of Institutions and Individuals will be honored as part of the “Pioneers in Offering for Palestine” program for their outstanding contributions in serving the cause.

The first session of the conference will open on Monday morning, with a presentation of the most prominent aspects of the Palestinian people’ssuffering, under the titles: “Trump’s Declaration on Al-Quds, Palestinian prisoners, Zionist Violations against Children, Settlements, Refugees’Suffering, and Siege of Gaza.”

The aforementioned titles will be presented through visual presentation (flashes), accompanied by live testimonies by participants from the Palestinian interior.

The second session tackles the importance of civil society’swork at the internationallevel and the opportunities to invest it more in supporting the Palestinian right and facing the violations and projects aimed at the liquidation of the Palestinian cause.


Following this, a detailed report on the work of the Global Campaign to Return to Palestine and the achievements made in cooperation with its members and friends throughout the world, since its establishment will be screened. It will be followed by a session to discuss ways of developing coordination mechanisms to cope with the latest developments.

Simultaneously, in the third and fourth sessions, the participating committees: the Return Committee, the Al-Quds Committee, and the Committee for the Elimination of Normalization will be introduced and, in turn, will hold meetings aimed at concluding a joint work program that the campaign members will cooperate to achieve during 2018.

Tuesday morning, the fifth session, which discusses a joint electronic media plan, aims to create a media network composed of all the campaign members and friends that cooperates to highlight the justice of the Palestinian cause, besides presenting a joint plan for annual solidarity activities and programs.


It is followed by a sixth session to read the results of the committees and discuss the final statement and the forum recommendations, while the closing session will be held with speeches by a number of political figures and resistance leaders, and then, the final statementis read.


The participants in the conference will move away from meeting halls on Wednesday to tour the border villages overlooking the occupied Palestinian territories, especially the site of the march of return in 2011 in the village of Maroun a-Ras, where a large number of martyrs ascended.


From the border villages,a statement on behalf of the conferees will be recited and directed across the border to hail the legendary steadfastness of the people of Palestine and proclaim full solidarity with them.