The Global Campaign to Return to Palestine held a meeting yesterday with the active figures in the Palestinian arena in Lebanon in order to coordinate the efforts that would lead to the success of the Fourth International Forum of Solidarity with Palestine.

The meeting was opened by Dr. Abdel-Malek Sukkarieh, who welcomed the personalities and explained the objective of the meeting, during which GCRP General Coordinator Sheikh Yousef Abbas stressed that the group targeted in the campaign included the civil society organizations and activists interested in the Palestinian cause.

Abbas pointed out that the main victim locally and internationally was “the Palestinian cause, as the whole world is trying to misguide the compass, so we are here to cooperate in the service of the cause in which we believe, away from all partisan affiliations .. because our goal is Palestine, only Palestine.”

The public relations official in the Campaign stated that the number of activists registered at the fourth forum was 800 activists representing 80 countries around the world. He, furthermore, talked about the conference program and the sessions’ headlines.

The participants’ contributions focused on the need to increase the presence of activists around the world against the recent Trump decision related to Al-Quds. They stressed the importance of the media coverage of the conference and commended the road sign campaign that had been organized by the Global Campaign inside Palestine.

The Palestinian figures proposed a host of ideas to explain to the West the injustice inflicted on the Palestinian people.