The International Court of Justice announced yesterday (29/05/2024) that it had received a request from Mexico to join the genocide case filed by South Africa against the usurping entity ongoing genocidal war on Gaza.

The Court of Justice statement stated that: “Mexico also requested to join the lawsuit filed by South Africa against “Israel” regarding the violation of the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in 1948.”

Mexico’s request was based on Article 63 of the Court’s Statute, which “gives other States the right to intervene for the purpose of making a statement on the interpretation of the Convention.”

Mexico indicated its desire “to present its point of view on the interpretation of the provisions of the Convention relevant to the case.”

In time, South Africa filed a lawsuit against the usurping entity last December, before the International Court of Justice for violating the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention of Genocide.

Last week, the International Court of Justice ordered the usurping entity to stop the aggression against Rafah and open the crossing to allow humanitarian aid to enter the Strip.