Buenos Aires, Argentina:
• A car rally was held in the capital, Buenos Aires, with participants carrying Palestinian flags and chanting slogans in support of Palestine (Viva Palestina! And Libre Palestina!)
• The rally was received public interaction and sympathy.

São Paulo, Brazil:
• Demonstrators, including members of the Global Campaign to Return to Palestine, took part in a large march towards the consulate of the Usurping Entity on International Quds Day.
• They chanted slogans calling for an immediate end to the genocide and for the liberation of all Palestine from the river to the sea.

Caracas, Venezuela:
• Activists and religious leaders, including members of GCRP, participated in events including the projecting of the Palestinian flag on a huge building.
• This was part of the campaign to illuminate various landmarks and monuments around the world with the colors of the Palestinian flag.
• These activities were to commemorate the International Quds Day and Palestinian Land Day.