The third day of the Fourth International Forum for Solidarity with Palestine, which will discuss a joint action plan for electronic media with the aim of creating a network composed of all the Campaign members and friends to highlight the justice of the Palestinian cause and confront the attempts to distort the image of the Palestinian resistance people.
At the beginning of the first session, Global Campaign member Mohammed Shalhoub said: “We will endeavor to develop and activate communication among the participants in the forum to work seriously on the ground.”
We have launched the campaign’s official website in both Arabic and English, which will be important to be informed about the Campaign members’ activities pertaining to the Palestinian issue, Shalhoub said
“The greatest effort will be by the individuals who will send their ideas and innovations, so that everyone benefits from the experience of everyone to fight the enemy.” He concluded.

While Wadah Al-Sha’ar, editor of Al Quds News Network, said: “Our network has emerged with the coming of the social networking sites’ role; it began with an idea by a group of young people,” pointing out that a set of difficulties encountered them in the first place, “the gravest of which was poor coordination.”
“Now we are a network of millions of followers and a reliable source to prominent media outlets. We rely on the evolutionary work through sending an idea or a picture of what is happening in Palestine,” he added.

For his part, the head of the Yaffa Center for Studies and Research in Cairo, Rifaat Mohamed Sayed Ahmed, said, “The change within the nation will impose on modern and old means of communication forms of coverage and confrontation that are deeper and more dangerous and more lasting.”

Social Media activist, Mays Abu Ghosh said, “The new generation today follows the world news through mobile phones to have faster and easier access to information.”
“The public is following the Palestinian people’s cultural, artistic and sports news,” she added, in reference to the fact that Palestinians can achieve successes not only at the political level.

Ghareeb Reza, director of the Unity League from Iran said, “We, as Iranians, suffer in our relations with the world because of deliberate distortion and misrepresentation of facts campaigns with the aim of attacking us.”
“As a civil society, we have tried to establish social networks to educate the public,” Reza said.
“Indeed, we found a great positive response in the virtual space and an overwhelming desire to communicate and dialogue with the Iranians,” he added.

Subsequently, the sixth session was opened, during which the participants read the committees’ results after they had discussed the annual solidarity activities and programs’ joint plan, in addition to discussing the final communiqué and recommendations of the forum.
For his part, Antonio Hadoi, conveyed a message from the Bolivian President Evo Morales that included expressions of solidarity with the Palestinian cause.
In the letter, Morales condemned all the brutal practices against the Palestinian people, while supporting all actions leading to the return of Palestinians to their land.

Chilean senator Alejandro Navarro, in turn, stressed the need to struggle for the liberation of Palestine, pointing out that there is a large Palestinian community in Chile.
Navarro called for distinction between Judaism and Zionism.
In a separate context, Senator Navarro expressed his categorical rejection of the Saudi aggression against Yemen, noting also the injustice inflicted on the Bahraini people that has been sacrificing for democracy and freedom.
The senator thanked Iran and Syria for their positions in support of the Palestinian cause, calling on all to follow the lead of these two freedom-fighter countries.
The head of the Palestinian Diaspora Association in Sweden, Khalid al-Saadi, expressed his wish that tents would be planted on the border between March 30 and May 15 to commemorate Land Day.
In her turn, the president of the Nawras Association for Culture and Arts in Tunisia Samira Bint Ali Al-Khalfi called for the participation of children and adolescents in forums and meetings that discuss the Palestinian issue.

PFLP-GC official Abu Emad Ramez said that the upcoming challenges facing the Palestinian cause are very grave and require more work on the ground, pointing out that the Palestinians in Gaza are exerting their best efforts to launch a major march on the day of return, May 15, calling for solidarity with them on that day.
The sixth session concluded with the opening of the closing session, with the participation of Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Kassem.

The sixth session was concluded with the final session opening in the presence of Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Kassem and the head of the Hamas political bureau Ismail Hanieh, via satellite.
Speaking at the beginning of the session, the General Coordinator of the Global Campaign Sheikh Yusuf Abbas underlined that the essence of the issue is that Al-Quds is the capital of all of Palestine, without any limitations.
The Campaign Coordinator pointed out that the “civil society has provided, through its activists, a lot of sacrifices that concern the usurper entity and all those who support it; therefore, they are conducting researches to create a new alternative civil society.”
“There are educated young people who produce a Palestinian discourse and committed art; their role should be crystallized, they should be recognized, and they should be given a large space in their capacity as an extension of the resistance in its deep sense,” he added.
The coordinator said, “Palestine is a human value that is far away from any ethnic or sectarian heading,” stating that “This forum brought together people from all religions, races and nationalities to achieve justice in Palestine against the forces of arrogance.”
Hamas’ political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh said via screen, “The current goal is to bring down Trump’s decision on Al-Quds; all potentials and energies must be harnessed to achieve this goal.”
Haniyeh stressed the need to stick to Palestinian unity and Arab-Islamic unity, “and this requires ending conflicts and upholding the invariable principles of the nation, on top of which are the Palestinian cause and the issue of Al-Quds.”
Haniyeh said, “Today’s generation has qualities that qualify it to be more capable and more creative in order to protect the cause and not allow the American deal to pass.”
Haniyeh underlined the need to stay away from sectarian and confessional disagreements, pointing out that the compass points only in the direction of Palestine and calling for unleashing solidarity activities with Palestine in all parts of the world and in all fields.
“Despite the magnitude of the threats facing the Palestinian people, be sure all of you that the resistance will continue with all its connotations,” Haniyeh concluded.
For his part, Deputy Secretary General of Hezbollah, Sheikh Naim Qassem said, “Hezbollah is a model in the ability to liberate and face the unjust decisions of the great powers; we are the owners of the land, the right and the future, and we work for the dignity and pride of the human being.”
“America occupied Iraq, supported terrorists in Syria, supported Saudi Arabia in its war against Yemen, and fought the Bahraini people when they decided to free themselves from injustice, all this happened to protect “Israel”,” Sheikh Qasim said.
He described America as the crossing point for the occupation consolidation, and not as a gate to the solution, as some say, pointing out that Al-Quds was and will remain the capital of all of Palestine and the compass for the free resistance fighters.
He added that the defense of Lebanon means defending Palestine and vice versa, because the resistance aims ultimately to liberate Al-Quds, adding, “There is no solution and no option to restore Palestine except via resistance of all kinds, especially the armed resistance that we will never give up until the enemy subdues.”
The Jewish rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss, head of the Neturei Karta organization presented a gift to the Secretary General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, via his deputy, Sheikh Naim Qassem, who received the present.
Mufti of Al-Quds and the Holy Land Sheikh Mohammed Hussein said, “This forum increased our determination to be steadfast, firm, and protectant, especially that it has represented the spectrum of civil society along with popular and humanitarian institutions and organizations, which loudly voiced their solidarity with Palestine.”

Sheikh Hussein said, “Trump’s decision and other deals will not pass as far as the Palestinian people is concerned; it will rather break on the rock of this people, which has already destroyed all conspiracies.”
The Mufti then handed over the General Coordinator of the Global Campaign, Sheikh Yusuf Abbas, a special tribute for his efforts in launching the International Forum.

In turn, Member of the Fatah’s Revolutionary Council Rifat Shana’a said at the session, “The Lebanese people stand with all its sects, confessions and parties as a strong support for the Palestinian people in its struggle against the Zionist occupation, especially in today’s fierce battle with all its political repercussions.”
Shana’a described the Palestinian people as “proud and steadfast and has taught the Israeli occupation harsh lessons,” while addressing the United Nations, saying: “You are the cause of our Nakba. You are the ones who have committed a crime against our people.”
“The Trump Declaration will not survive for long nor will it stand firm, especially since we have taken our decision as Fatah movement and the PLO in both the Revolutionary and Central Councils. We will remain by the side of our brothers in Hamas,” he said.