More than 5,000 Palestinians gathered in the square of the Beaufort Fortress in Lebanon, 10 kilometers from occupied Palestine, in commemoration of the “Great Return” march on 15 May.

Hundreds of large and medium-sized buses carried thousands of Palestinians from the camps in the south, the province of Kharroub, Baalbek, the north and Beirut, and hundreds of them walked more than two kilometers from the entrance to the town of Arnoun and to the fortress because of the traffic jam. Which was caused by the flow of participants in the march and upon their arrival burned the American and Israeli flags, chanting “Jerusalem, we are martyrs by millions”.

Members of the Global Campaign to Return to Palestine set up the symbolic return tent in the citadel square and distributed Palestinian flags to the audience. They distributed “posters” expressing the unity of Palestine, which read “All Jerusalem is the capital of all of Palestine.”

It is noteworthy that the event featured active figures on the Lebanese arena and the Palestinian arena and stressed the personalities of the right of return and rejection of resettlement and to condemn the Zionist massacres against the Palestinian people, especially in the besieged Gaza Strip, condemning the decision to transfer the US embassy to Jerusalem.

Great March of Return

Great March of Return

Great March of Return

Great March of Return

Great March of Return

Great March of Return

Great March of Return

Great March of Return

Great March of Return

Great March of Return

Great March of Return

Great March of Return

Great March of Return

Great March of Return

Great March of Return

Great March of Return

Great March of Return

Great March of Return