The residents of the villages of Kfar Shuba and Al-Hibariyeh at the Lebanese-Palestinian border, in cooperation with delegations from Palestinian and Lebanese foundations, held a rally in support of the city of Al-Quds, which faces Judaization and clear targeting by the Zionist occupation, especially after the declaration by US President Donald Trump of the holy city as the capital of “Israel”.

During the sit-in organized by the Islamic Group, the representative of the Mufti of Marjayoun and Hasbayya, Sheikh Jihad Hamad said, “We meet today in the town of steadfastness, Kfar Shuba, to reject turning Al-Quds into the capital of the occupying state… No one has the right to give up a grain of sand in the land of Palestine.”

Trump had announced on December 6 Al-Quds, both east and west, as the capital of the Zionist occupation state.