Amid the ongoing genocidal war of the usurping entity on the Gaza Strip, where the voices of the innocent are rising, the health sector in the Gaza Strip has been subjected to systematic destruction for 11 months aiming to break the steadfastness of the Palestinian people.


‏In this context, the management of the “Indonesian” and “Kamal Adwan” hospitals in the northern Gaza Strip warned, on Monday, of the danger of going out of service due to the lack of fuel, the stifling siege and the barbaric bombing, indicating an imminent humanitarian disaster.


‏The director of the Indonesian hospital, Marwan Sultan, reported that the intensive care department has reached its maximum capacity and is filled with critical cases, in addition to the presence of 10 patients who depend on ventilators.


‏He added, “The operating rooms are operating around the clock without stopping,” and warned that “the hospital is facing a severe shortage of fuel, which threatens to stop medical services completely if the entity continues to prevent the entry of fuel, which may sentence these wounded to death.”

‏The director of Kamal Adwan Hospital also warned that the hospital would be out of service within 48 hours due to the depletion of fuel and medical supplies, and that failure to bring in fuel would lead to the death of the 10 children surviving on ventilators.


‏The hospital administration said in a brief statement: This poses a major threat to the lives of many patients and injured people receiving treatment in the hospital.


‏This usurping entity systematic siege reflects an unprecedented humanitarian and health disaster that is sweeping the entire health sector in the Gaza Strip, in light of the severe shortage of medicine, whether for chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease or for cancer and epidemics spreading in the Strip, which poses the questions: Have not the international organizations concerned with medical affairs had enough of condemnation statements? And how long will the people of Gaza continue to wait for practical field procedures to put an end to this disaster?