The occupying entity was not satisfied with the genocidal war it is waging in the Gaza Strip, including the destruction of medical infrastructure, but rather extended its crimes to the West Bank, to begin another aggression on its cities and camps in an attempt to break the will of our Palestinian people.

Saturday, the aggression targeted civilians, infrastructure, hospitals and health facilities. In addition to preventing water from reaching Jenin Governmental Hospital in the West Bank, which threatens to stop the kidney dialysis department for patients there. All coinciding with the continuation of military operations launched by the occupying entity in Jenin.

In turn, the director of Jenin Governmental Hospital, Wissam Bakr, warned of “stopping kidney dialysis services, if the occupation continues to prevent the entry of water.” Bakr pointed out that “Jenin Governmental Hospital lost a third of the amount of water it needs daily to operate the dialysis department, due to the siege imposed by the occupation army. He added that the movement to and from the hospital only takes place via ambulances, after inspection and verification of the personal identification cards of the people they transport, including medical staff and patients.”


In Tulkarm Governorate, in the northern occupied West Bank, another suffering is evident, as Thabet Thabet Hospital is under siege and suffers from obstruction of the movement of medical staff and delays in treatment, at a time when security measures are being tightened.


The Palestinian Ministry of Health warned against the policy of besieging hospitals in Jenin, Tulkarm and Tubas in the occupied West Bank, stressing that “any storming of hospitals is a direct threat to the lives of patients and medical staff.” The ministry called on the international community and the International Committee of the Red Cross to intervene to protect medical institutions in the occupied West Bank.


Doctors Without Borders announced in a statement that “dialysis operations have been suspended at Khalil Suleiman Hospital in Jenin due to the lack of electricity supplies.” The destruction and bombing of hospitals and health centers in the West Bank and Gaza by the occupying entity is an unprecedented violation of international and humanitarian laws and charters that guarantee the protection of hospitals and medical personnel, which puts us before the question: Where are the international health and international community organizations from this repeated health genocide extending from Gaza to the West Bank?