As part of its ongoing activities in support of the Palestinian people, the International Mawkeb of the Call of Al-Aqsa received the Custodian of the Imam Rida Shrine, Sheikh Ahmed Morawi, who presented the banner of the eighth Imam of Ahlul Bayt, Ali ibn Musa al-Rida, to the scholars of Palestine in the Mawkeb.


Meanwhile, the scholars of the Call of Al-Aqsa Mawkeb presented a plaque to Sheikh Morawi, in a unity scene in which all hands were raised in denunciation of the ongoing genocidal war on Gaza.


The Mawkeb also hosted the famous Quranic program “Mahfal” in a spiritual Quranic evening with a group of international readers who recited sections from the Holy Qur’an.


The evening ended with a set of revolutionary and Husseini songs, presented by the Iranian “Khadim al-Zahraa” and Palestinian “Shabab al-Quds” bands.