The Fourth Mawkeb of the Call of Al-Aqsa organized a massive event in front of its location at Pillar 833, with the participation of a number of Palestinian and international figures, and in the presence of some visitors to the fortiethanniversary of Imam Hussein.


The event began with verses from the Holy Quran, after which the wounded Palestinian,Abdullah Abdullah, who had lost most of his family during the ongoing brutal war on the Gaza Strip, presented a chanting segment during which he confirmed the steadfastness of the people of the Strip in the face of the genocidal war until victory.

The event also included a speech by the Head of the Religious Affairs Department at the General Secretariat of Al-Hussein’s Holy Shrine, Sheikh Ahmed Al-Safi, in which he stressed the importance of participating in the Mawkebactivities in support of Palestine and its steadfast people.


Sheikh Ahmed Al-Safi indicated that he has great hope that the blood of the Palestinian people will not be lost, and the patience of the Palestinian people is unparalleled, and itreminds us of the patience of Karbala.


Sheikh Al-Safi addressed the Palestinian people, saying, “Be patient, persevere, and trust in God, for victory is your ally, and these sacrifices will not be wasted. You are a nation the produce leaders, great people, and heroes, you, the people of Gaza and the free people of the world, should learn from Al-Hussein, whether before or after the Day of Ashura, and up to this day, for that will increase your determination and steadfastness.”


The event concluded with a set of revolutionary resistance songs, presented by the Al-Quds Youth Band, to renew solidarity with Palestine and Gaza.