The fourth international “Mawkeb of the Call of Al-Aqsa” opened its activities on the walking road between Najaf and Karbala, specifically at Column 833, in the presence of scholars and figures from various countries of the world.


The speech of “Mawkeb of the Call of Al-Aqsa” was delivered by the Coordinator of the International Scholars Forum for Palestine, Sheikh Abdullah Katamto, who stressed that the gathering of international figures in the Mawkeb is a clear declaration that they have chosen the thorny path, which will ultimately carry the banner of dignity by achieving victory over the Zionist entity.

For his part, the Governor of Karbala, Naseef Al-Khattabi, stressed that the Holy Karbala has never differentiated between nationality, sect or religion, as people flock to it from all over the world, sending greetings to Al-Aqsa and its martyrs.


Al-Khattabi stressed that the Holy Karbala remains a beacon and pride for every lover, in the time, it presents the city of the free as Imam Hussein wanted, concluding his speech by saying, “Al-Aqsa, Palestine and all those who sacrificed for the cause will triumph.”


In his turn, the representative of the Second Twentieth Revolution Alliance and the delegation of the Iraqi tribes, Sheikh Sakr Al-Duraiei, renewed his position in rejecting normalization, calling for continuing the resistance in all its forms until the usurping entity is eliminated.


The opening ceremony included the presentation of a special honorary shield to a number of the wounded from Gaza, presented to them by their brothers in the Iraqi resistance, followed by performing the Maghrib prayer in congregation.


At the end, the delegations participating in the inauguration toured around the Mawkeb and its various sections, and viewed the artistic designs related to the Palestinian cause that were displayed in the Mawkeb’s exhibition.