The closing statement of the “Third International Conference of the Call of Al-Aqsa” held in the holy city of Karbala affirmed the absolute support for the Palestinian people in their resistance and struggle to liberate their entire land and restore their rights.


The statement stressed solidarity with the people of Gaza who are steadfast in the face of the genocidal war that the usurping entity is still waging against them for ten months.


The statement continued that “the revolution of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) in the face of tyranny and corruption will remain a fundamental event in human history and conscience, inspiring free thought and generating noble emotions in order to achieve justice for all humanity, which is what we demand for the Palestinian people.”


Moreover, the statement added, “Words fail to describe the atrocities committed by the Zionist army in Gaza, which included all what is called war crimes and crimes against humanity, and exceeded in their brutality any other war documented in history, and affected the human being and all the components of life in the Gaza Strip.”


The conference participants called for exerting all efforts in all areas, not only to stop the genocidal war, but to prosecute all those responsible for it by pursuing legal lawsuits against war criminals and filing new cases in international courts.


The statement explained that any dealing with the Zionist entity, under any title and in any field, today amounts to partnership with it in its brutal crimes. Hence, calling for severing all forms of association with this criminal entity, and returning to the values ​​of truth and justice.”


It continued, “Gaza’s steadfastness and sacrifices have reunited the free people around the world in the face of the occupation, as was evident in the demonstrations that swept various countries of the world, and the distinguished protests of university students. This requires us to invest in these important positions in order to achieve human justice throughout the whole world, especially in Palestine.”


The participants also stressed the “importance of continuing to support the Palestinian people with all forms of material and moral support,” highly appreciating the parties that have supported and continue to support them, and called on all those who are able to provide all forms of support, which importance will be confirmed after the end of this unjust war, most notably the requirements for reconstruction and treatment of the wounded.


The conference participants also appreciated the honorable official and public “Iraqi position in supporting the Gaza Strip during the Battle of the Flood of Al-Aqsa, starting with the initial vision of the religious authorities of different sects, and the important declaration issued by His Eminence the Supreme Authority, Sayyid Ali al-Sistani, in support of the resistance of the Palestinian people and the political and material support provided by the Iraqi government.”


Moreover, the conference members appreciated the important contributions of many Iraqi parties, most notably the General Secretariat of the Al-Husseini’s Holy Shrine in providing humanitarian support and treating the wounded, and all the Iraqi people who filled the squares in solidarity with their brothers in Gaza, and presented dozens of the best Iraqi youth who were martyred on the road to Al-Quds, alongside their brothers in various support arenas.


The participants also expressed gratitude and appreciation to all the Iraqi institutions and their parties that contributed to holding this conference, including the Council of Scholars of Rabat Al-Muhammadi, Dar Al-Iftaa, Karbala Center for Studies, Ahlul-Bayt University, and Al-Zahraa University for Girls, where the conference was held..