Under the title “From the Battle of Karbala to the Flood of Al-Aqsa: The Triumph of Will over Tyranny”, the activities of the Third International Conference of the Call of Al-Aqsa were launched in the Iraqi city of Karbala, during the fortieth commemoration of Imam Hussein, with an active participation of Palestinian symbols and prominent international figures.


The conference,  sponsored by the General Secretariat of Al-Hussein Holy Shrine, began its first activities with a visit by the participating delegations to the Shrine of Imam Hussein. Where the participants then met with the legal custodian of the Shrine, Sheikh Abdul Mahdi Al-Karbalaei, where they stressed the importance of holding the conference annually for the global support it carries for the Palestinian cause, especially this year, in light of the unprecedented genocide that the Gaza Strip is being subjected to. Then the delegations met with the visitors, to end with the congregational prayer at Al-Hussein Holy Shrine.


The opening session of the Conference was held in the hall in Al-Zahraa University in Karbala, which included speeches by representatives of the organizing bodies and the prominent Palestinian and international figures participating, who stressed the importance of resistance until liberation, affirming that supporting Imam Hussein, and his companions at the present time, is represented in supporting the people of Gaza.


This morning, Tuesday, the conference committee sessions began on its second day at Al-Zahraa University in the holy city of Karbala, they were divided into three committees, each of which discusses specific topics.

The first committee discusses Quranic values ​​and their role in the victory of will over tyranny, and the impact of resistance on the awareness and liberation of peoples. While the second committee explains what Al-Aqsa Flood operation and the steadfastness of Gaza have achieved on the Palestinian and international levels. In time, the third committee discusses the Iraqi role in supporting the Palestinian people during the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood, and ways to maintain and develop global popular solidarity with Palestine.


The conference, whose activities will continue until Thursday, August 15th , concludes with a tour for the participants in Baghdad city to visit religious shrines, Iraqi figures and important landmarks, and a visit to the Shrine of Imam Ali, in Najaf, in addition to the inauguration of Mawkeb of the Call of Al-Aqsa which is located on the road leading to Karbala.