The occupying entity continues its aggression against Lebanon, extending the same ethnic cleansing, displacement, and genocide it has waged against the Palestinian people for nearly a year.

The humanitarian disaster unfolding in Gaza is beginning to take shape in Lebanon, with thousands of innocent people killed or injured, hundreds of thousands displaced, and attacks on journalists and medical teams in a clear violation of international and humanitarian laws.

The World Health Organization announced today, Monday, that “estimates indicate 118,466 new internally displaced persons in Lebanon from September 23 to 27.”

It warned that displacement and poor living conditions in shelters are likely to increase the risk of spreading diseases.

In Gaza, there are over 2 million displaced individuals living in tents and shelters, along with more than 17,000 pregnant women suffering from famine.

In light of these humanitarian disasters occurring today, a person wonders, where is the international community in response to the crimes of the occupying entity against humanity and innocent civilians in Gaza and Lebanon?!